Leaf Removal & Lawn Clean Up In Overland Park, Kansas City & Leawood
As Halloween approaches in Overland Park, Kansas City and Leawood, your lawn probably be in your neighborhood for leaf removal and lawn cleanup. SK Lawn Care has been offering commercial leaf removal and residential leaf removal to our customers in Kansas City and with our recent expansion to Overland Park, Leawood and Mission Hills, we plan on removing more leaves than we ever have in past years.
Why Choose SK Lawn Care For Leaf Removal and Lawn Cleanup

SK Lawn Care has recently upgraded its leaf removal and lawn clean up equipment which helps our professional lawn care staff remove leaves from your home or business lawn more efficiently and thoroughly. Our lawn care staff will first start at the perimeter of your home or business lawn and move the leaves toward the center of the lawn or towards the edge of your lawn near the street. SK Lawn Care’s lawn care professionals will gather the leaves into a large pile on a tarp and move them to our new Billy Goat leaf removal machine where the leaves will be removed from your lawn and mulched into one of our lawn care trucks where it will disposed of in an environmentally responsible way. Once the leaves are removed from your lawn in Overland Park, Kansas City or Leawood, we will mow your lawn to give it a striped or checkered look before winter sets in.
SK Lawn Care offers quality, professional leaf removal, lawn cleanup services, lawn care and landscaping services in Overland Park, Kansas City and Leawood to homeowners and business owners. For a free estimate on leaf removal/lawn cleanup call (816) 372-4965 in Kansas City and (913) 940-6795 in Overland Park, Leawood, Olathe and Mission Hills.
Call (913) 940-6795 For A Free Estimate or
SK Lawn Care Offers Lawn Care Services and Landscape Services In Overland Park, Kansas City, Leawood, Mission Hills & the entire Kansas City Metro Area:
Lawn Overseeding Lawn Aerating Landscaping Lawn Verticutting Leaf Removal Lawn Cleanup
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