Maple trees are pretty common throughout the Kansas City and Midwest area and while they yield gorgeous colors as their leaves change in the fall, they can be a real pain for homeowners in the spring and summer months. In late spring, maple trees have an interesting and unique way of releasing their seeds through what are often called whirlybirds, helicopters, spinners, or tree twisters which are fun and fascinating for kids (and even some adults) but can become a real issue for homeowners that care about the look and health of their lawns.
Lawn Care and Landscaping in Kansas City, Waldo and Brookside
The technical term for these whirling, flying wonders is samara which by nature’s design are fruits or seeds meant to travel long distances from the tree they grew from. The reason why distance is important is because most maple trees have a broad, dense canopy which tends to restrict sunlight and in some cases water from reaching the soil below. This is why it can often be difficult for homeowners to get grass to grow thick and consistent underneath maple trees because just like any seed, grass seeds need sunlight, water, and nutrient rich soil to grow. The fact that maple samaras are able to not only fall in great quantities from their trees but also potentially land outside of the shady canopy of leaves allows them a greater survival rate which results in little trees in late spring and early summer in lawns. But flying isn’t the only advantage that maple samaras have as their overall design is functional to how they land on the ground. Aerodynamic studies have shown that samaras are not only efficient at floating longer and farther through the air once separated from the tree but also create a wind vortex above them as they fall towards the ground. This makes the seed itself come in contact with the ground closest to the soil first and the wing acting as a way to keep the samara upright which is particularly useful when they land in blades of grass. What do you do if the maple seeds start to grow in your lawn? Most broadleaf weed controls will keep them from growing but they be very stubborn as they have had thousands of years to adapt. If you notice maple saplings beginning to grow in your lawn, they are relatively easy to pull up and remove provided the ground is somewhat moist. If all else contact the lawn care experts at SK Lawn and Landscape at (816) 372-4965 or CLICK HERE FOR OUR ONLINE CONTACT FORM.
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