Getting our customers’ grass to grow thick, green, and consistent is what we do at SK Lawn and Landscape and the spring months are a very busy time for us. As our lawn care teams get the season started we are often asked by homeowners whether they need to have grass seed added or have sod installed in their lawns which a great question as both have their pros and cons.
Grass Seeding in Kansas City
Adding grass seed to your lawn is the easiest and most cost-effective way to help fill in barren, bald spots but it is time-sensitive and requires a variety of factors to be in place for it to effectively take root and grow. Seeding in early spring when the air is cool, the ground retains a degree of warmth from the sun and rain is typically in abundance is ideal for adding new grass seed to grow but if a lawn is already infested with weeds, it could fail miserably as newly planted grass can easily be overtaken by weeds. Another factor to consider is the is rain itself or more specifically erosion and how your lawn’s layout and drainage channels could easily wash away the newly planted seeds putting your right back to square one. Time is also a factor when planting new grass seeds as they take time to grow strong enough to compete with weeds and in lawns where weeds outnumber the actual grass, they stand little to no chance of being effective and growing. Plus, newly planted grass seed requires a good degree of care and won’t be ready for any foot or lawn care traffic for quite some time.
Sod Installation in Kansas City
Adding sod to a lawn is fast and effective means of getting grass to grow but it can be quite costly depending on how much sod is needed. With sod, lawns are ready for foot traffic in as little as a few weeks if cared for properly and because most quality sod is weed free and already mature is more resistant to noxious plant infestation. Unlike seeding that should be done in the early weeks of spring, sod can be installed pretty any time as long as the ground isn’t frozen solid and sunlight and rain are abundant. Installing sod is not as simple as one might think and while you may think that you can merely lay it down on your lawn and it grows, it’s not quite the easy. In fact, installing sod correctly is actually quite labor intensive and requires a good degree of expertise to make sure that the seams effectively merge in each strip of sod to keep excessive amounts of water from eroding the soil beneath and to ensure that grass grows consistently with the rest of the lawn.
Deciding on whether to add grass seed or sod to your lawn really comes down to evaluating what your lawn needs and what will work best. The lawn care experts at SK Lawn and Landscape can help make you make the most effective decision to get the most our of your lawn care because we’ve pretty much seen it all in Kansas City.
Call (816) 372-4965 For An Estimate On Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Hardscaping Design and Installation in the Kansas City area.
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