Monthly Archives: June 2024

4 posts


Start Planning Your Outdoor Living Space This Summer So It’s Ready For Fall!

Creating a custom outdoor living space with SK Lawn and Landscape is never a cookie-cutter process. Each aspect of an outdoor living space project is meticulously planned before our hardscaping and landscaping teams ever break ground. That’s why we always encourage homeowners who want to create a relaxing and fun space to start planning early, […]


Your Weekends Should Be Spent Relaxing, Not On Your Lawn and Landscaping!

If you’ve been missing out on summer sun and fun because you’ve been stuck taking care of your lawn and landscaping on the weekends, it’s time to take them back! June is “Take Back Your Evenings and Weekends” month at SK Lawn and Landscape, and we’re ready to help you kick back, relax, and enjoy […]