fall lawn services Mission Hills

83 posts


It Feels Like Fall in Kansas City!

In case you haven’t been outside lately, fall literally arrived in Kansas City overnight and while it’s still technically summer, the weather outlook is leaning much more towards cooler temperatures which means big changes for your lawn and landscaping. At SK Lawn and Landscaping, we’re always prepared for whatever mother nature throws at us and […]


Fall Lawn and Landscaping in Kansas City

When you start hearing about Chiefs football and back to school in Kansas City, you know that summer is winding down and fall is on the way. While it has been an exceptional year for lawns this summer with very few brutally hot days that tend to scorch grass to a brown crisp, there’s still […]


Getting Your Lawn Ready For Fall In Kansas City

When it’s August you know that fall is just around the corner and while we haven’t seen the typical scorching hot summer in Kansas City, homeowners and business owners still need to get their lawns ready for winter. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we have lawn care down to a science from helping homeowners get […]


Get Your Lawn and Landscape Ready For Fall

Summer is winding down in Kansas City and while it’s still hot and we haven’t seen much rain in the past few months there are still things that will need to be done to your lawn and landscaping to keep it looking its best for the fall. SK Lawn and Landscape is a full service […]


Keeping Kansas City Leaf Free For The Holidays!

The fall leaves in your lawn may look beautiful but if left alone, they could become a big problem for your grass and SK Lawn Care can keep your landscape looking its best with quality, thorough leaf removal services in the Kansas City area. Although not all of the leaves have fallen to the ground […]


It’s Leaf Removal Time In Kansas City!

Fall is arguably the most beautiful time of the year in Leawood, Overland Park, Olathe and the entire Kansas City but if you are a homeowner or a business owner with leaves all over your lawn and landscaping, you know that it can a real pain to do leaf removal. Not only is it backbreaking […]


Fall Lawn Care and Landscaping in Kansas City

 Now that fall seems to be settling into the Kansas City area, homeowners should keep in mind that taking care of their lawn should be a top priority and at SK Lawn Care we are ready to help you make sure your lawn and landscape are ready for winter and will bound right back in […]


Outdoor Fireplaces Just In Time For Fall

 Cool fall nights are the best when you can huddle around your outdoor fireplace or fire pit and in Kansas City, SK Lawn Care is the hardscaping contractor that makes it a reality in your backyard. Since adding an entire hardscape design and installation team, SK Lawn Care has been providing top quality, custom hardscape […]