hardscaping Leawood

151 posts


Now Scheduling For Fall Hardscaping

It’s been a very busy summer at SK Lawn and Landscape and we want to say thank you to all of the homeowners that chose us to handle their lawn care, landscaping and hardscaping projects. With that being said, fall is quickly approaching and if you’ve thought about possibly adding an outdoor fire pit, an […]


Want An Outdoor Living Space This Fall?

Back to school means that summer is starting to slowly wind down and in just a few short weeks fall will be here which is the perfect time to be out on your new outdoor living space but now is the time to start planning. The hardscaping and landscaping design teams at SK Lawn and […]


Imagine Your New Outdoor Living Space

With fall just a few short months away, now is the time to start planning the outdoor living space you’re always wanted and no one makes it easier in the Kansas City area than the hardscape design team at SK Lawn and Landscape. From adding a granite or stone outdoor fire pit or fireplace with […]


Add An Outdoor Living Space For Fall

We’ve all been spending a lot more time at home this year and we’ll likely continue that trend long after summer is over so why not let SK Lawn and Landscape help you create a custom outdoor living space to enjoy this fall. The landscaping and hardscaping teams at SK are ready to help homeowners […]


KC’s Lawn and Landscaping Experts

With warm spring sunny days finally the norm, it’s time for lawn care and landscaping projects and SK Lawn and Landscape is ready to help Kansas City homeowners. With multiple lawn care, landscaping, and hardscaping teams with years of combined experience, SK has been trusted by hundreds of homeowners to deliver flawless looking lawns for […]


Our Lawn and Landscape Company Is Open!

There’s certainly been no shortage of bad news in the past few weeks but if there is a bright side to everything it’s that spring is just around the corner and we should definitely feel it later this week in Kansas City. While it will be great to see warmer temperatures and hopefully some sunshine, […]


Customized Lawn and Landscaping

Spring and winter are back and forth as usual at this time of year in the Kansas City area but soon warmer temperatures and sunny days will become the norm which means it will be time for lawn care and landscaping projects throughout the metro. While many lawn care and landscaping companies are pretty much […]


Let Our Landscaping Team Transform Your Lawn

With winter creeping into the Kansas City area, now is the time to start planning your spring landscaping projects and SK Lawn and Landscape is now scheduling for 2020. As the temperatures begin to get colder and colder, there isn’t much that can be done in terms of landscaping installation particularly when the ground is […]