Hey, Kansas City homeowners and business owners! Are you feeling a bit let down by your lawn care or landscaping service this year? It happens. But don’t worry. There’s a new season just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to revamp your outdoor space with SK Lawn and Landscape. Here’s why we think […]
Kansas City lawn care
Fall in Kansas City is a spectacular time of the year when the air turns cool, and the leaves are stunning, even for a short time, like this year. It’s also the perfect season to give your lawn a significant upgrade. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we believe that the right combination of landscaping and […]
Ah, fall. That magical time of year when you can pull out your favorite sweater, sip on a pumpkin spice latte, and watch the Chiefs dominate on Sundays (and sometimes Mondays or Thursdays). But while we all love those vibrant colors that make our social media feeds pop, there’s one part of fall that nobody’s […]
If you’re looking to take your outdoor space to the next level, it’s time to consider hardscaping and retaining walls. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we believe that a well-designed outdoor area is more than just a pretty sight – it’s a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics. Let’s dive into the world of hardscaping […]
The past few weeks in Kansas City have seen some pretty heavy downpours, but according to weather experts, the Kansas City area is still badly in need of rain. This can be tricky for landscape design, particularly when all fingers seem to be pointing toward more drought-like conditions in the Kansas City metro and Midwest […]
While we certainly have not seen much rain this year in the Kansas City area, the fact is that when it rains, it pours (no pun intended), and heavy downpours can wreak havoc on your lawn and landscaping. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we’ve helped hundreds of homeowners solve their drainage issues with custom solutions […]
We’ve all heard the phrase, “April showers bring May flowers,” but Mother Nature often doesn’t deliver consistent and adequate rainfall, particularly here in the Kansas City area. Sure, we’ve seen some pretty substantial downpours this spring, but it may not be enough for new plants and emerging lawns. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we make […]
The trees are budding, allergies are in full swing, and your lawn’s grass is starting to grow, which means that it’s spring in Kansas City. While we’ll likely have a few more rollercoaster weather swings before temperatures begin to level out, noxious weeds are already on the move into your lawn, including dandelions, arguably one […]
Spring has definitely sprung in Kansas City, and here at SK Lawn and Landscape, we’re gearing up for mowing, landscaping, and lawn care. But with spring comes allergies, and they are already packing a punch this year. In this week’s blog post, we’ll look at allergies, their causes, and some tips for treating them. Spring […]
You may have noticed that your lawn’s grass is turning green, and buds have suddenly appeared on the trees, meaning spring is here, and time to start thinking about lawn care and landscaping projects. Since 2010, SK Lawn and Landscape has helped thousands of homeowners have picture-perfect lawns and elegant landscape features, and this year, […]
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