landscaping maintenance Kansas City

48 posts


We Deliver Legendary Lawn Care

There are certainly no shortage of lawn care companies in the Kansas City area and each year we at SK Lawn and Landscape see many of them come and go in just one season. The problem with that is that they end up leaving homeowners that hired them out in the cold and having to […]


It’s Lawn Care Time in Kansas City!

It looks like winter is finally on its way out of the Kansas City area and spring is slowly creeping in which is great news if you’re not a fan of cold and snow but not so great news if you don’t like tackling your lawn care and landscaping projects. Each year before spring at […]


We’re Ready To Handle Your Lawn Care

If you’re not ready to tackle your lawn care and landscaping projects this year in the Kansas City area, no problem, because SK Lawn and Landscape is ready, willing and able to make your yard the best on the block this spring. With multiple teams of lawn care experts and professional landscapers on staff, SK […]


Get The Lawn Care You’ll Love This Spring

The say that April showers bring May flower but for homeowners it means lawn mowing and landscape maintenance in Kansas City but not to worry SK lawn and Landscape is ready to help. With multiple teams of highly trained and experienced lawn care professionals, SK  will have your lawn looking picture this spring with thick, […]


Make A Resolution For Quality Landscaping in 2019

If you’ve decided that 2019 is the year that you will upgrade your lawn and landscaping in the Kansas City area, SK Lawn and Landscape would love to help. Since 2010, SK has been synonymous with delivering quality, professional lawn care, landscaping and outdoor living space design and installation and we want to help you […]


It’s Time For Spring Lawn and Landscaping in Kansas City

It is finally going to feel like spring in Kansas City this week and SK Lawn and Landscape is ready to handle all of your lawn care, landscaping and outdoor living space needs with the quality and professionalism we have come to be known for in the metro since 2010. While the winter weather last […]


Lawn and Landscaping Services For Spring

Although it is technically spring in Kansas City, the weather is forecast to change dramatically over the weekend in the form of cold and snow but milder weather is on the way which means you will have to address your lawn and landscaping. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we help homeowners and business owners with […]


Our Landscapers Are Ready To Help You This Spring

As a homeowner or business owner, there are hundreds of options when it comes to landscaping companies in the Kansas City area but many are in business one day and out the next. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we have been providing quality, professional lawn care, landscaping, landscape maintenance and outdoor living space design since […]


Make A Resolution For Superb Landscaping

With 2017 drawing to a close, most homeowners are not thinking much about their lawns or landscaping (especially when snow is on the ground) but we at SK Lawn and Landscape are already scheduling landscaping design and installation projects for spring of 2018. No matter how big or how small your lawn is, SK Lawn […]