lawn mowing Raymore

44 posts


Quality, Customized Lawn Care In Kansas City

At SK Lawn and Landscape, we’ve been serving the greater Kansas City area since 2010 and each year we strive to make ourselves and the services we provide to our customers better. That means we don’t just go through the motions like most lawn care companies in Kansas City but instead we continually upgrade our […]


Lawn Care For Kansas City Homeowners

An unseasonably warm week in January really isn’t anything new for the Kansas City area but it should be a staunch reminder that spring will arrive in just a few short weeks which means that your lawn care and landscaping is going to need to be attended to. At SK Lawn and Landscape, our business […]


New Year, New Lawn

It goes without saying that you would be hard pressed to find anyone that’s going to be sad to see 2020 go and that goes the same for all of us at SK Lawn and Landscape. However, we do want to say thank you to all of our customers who continued to use us for […]


Summer Lawn Care and Landscaping

It’s officially summer and you can definitely feel it in the Kansas City area. With weeks of temperatures close to or in the 90’s, your lawn and landscaping is definitely going to be feeling the effects of summer but there are some things you can do to make it look its best even during the […]


Spring Lawn and Landscape Specialists

We are living in a very different world than we were just a few weeks ago and SK Lawn and Landscape is adjusting to how we provide our spring lawn care and landscaping services accordingly. Unfortunately the days of our lawn care teams and landscapers shaking hands with new and previous customers that choose SK […]


Let The Spring Lawn Care Begin!

The sun has been out for most of the week, the temperatures are getting warmer by the day, and if you look closely, your lawn’s grass has probably already starting growing which means now is the time to start thinking about spring lawn care in Kansas City. For over 10 years, SK Lawn and Landscape […]


Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping

It’s finally going to feel a lot more like spring this weekend in the Kansas City area which means that green grass will soon be sprouting up and the sound lawn mowers buzzing all day long is just around the corner and if you don’t feel up to tackling your lawn care this year then […]


Keeping Your Lawn Healthy

If you’re a homeowner or business owner, you probably already know that getting your lawn’s grass to grown thick, green and consistently is no simple task. With the up and down temperatures, soil erosion, and not to mention fungus, insects and weeds, it can be extremely time consuming and all out war to have a […]


We Make Lawn Care Easy

If you’ve decided that DIY lawn care and landscaping projects are not how you want to spend your spring and summer next year then SK Lawn and Landscape would love to help you. Our lawn care and landscaping teams are always helping Kansas City area homeowners (and some business owners) have their dream yards when […]


Summertime Lawn and Landscaping

There’s just a few weeks of summer left in Kansas City and while we haven’t seen as much of the humidity and heat as we so often do in July, your lawn and landscaping are likely loving it. During the typical summer months in KC, our lawn care crews at SK Lawn and Landscape are […]