lawn care service

12 posts


Spend Your Spring Enjoying Your Lawn, Not Working In It

It’s been a bit chilly and stormy so far this spring in the Kansas City area, making it tough to get any lawn care or landscaping done but not at SK Lawn and Landscape. We know that our customers expect and deserve the very best in their lawns, and making sure that everything is perfect […]


Leave Your Lawn Care To The Pros At SK This Spring

Not everyone is a lawn and landscaping expert, and that’s ok. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we’ve spent years perfecting our services and continue to do so to better serve our customers in the Kansas City area. Every year around springtime, we get flooded with emails and phone calls from homeowners that have tried their […]


We Deliver Legendary Lawn Care

There are certainly no shortage of lawn care companies in the Kansas City area and each year we at SK Lawn and Landscape see many of them come and go in just one season. The problem with that is that they end up leaving homeowners that hired them out in the cold and having to […]


Good News: Spring Is Finally Here!

We could all use a little good news in light of what’s going on in the world so here it is: SPRING IS OFFICIALLY HERE IN KANSAS CITY! While that may not be the best of news if you aren’t looking forward to tackling your lawn care, it is certainly welcomed news for us at […]


Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping

It’s finally going to feel a lot more like spring this weekend in the Kansas City area which means that green grass will soon be sprouting up and the sound lawn mowers buzzing all day long is just around the corner and if you don’t feel up to tackling your lawn care this year then […]


Keeping Your Lawn and Landscaping Healthy This Fall

The official start of fall is still a few weeks away but now is the time to start preparing your yard for winter and SK Lawn and Landscape is ready to help with lawn care teams that know exactly what your grass needs. Even though we’ve only seen a few short weeks of brutal heat […]


Already Tired Of Lawn Care This Spring?

With a record amount of rain this spring in Kansas City, you’ve probably had a hard time finding a good time to mow your lawn when the ground isn’t muddy and if you’re like most homeowners in the metro, your lawn’s grass is in serious need of attention. If you’re tired of waiting for a […]


Lawn Care in Kansas City That Delivers Results

If you’ve tried for years to have the perfect looking lawn and landscape in Kansas City but have had less than stellar results then maybe this year it’s time to call in the lawn care professionals at SK Lawn and Landscape. Since 2010, SK has been helping homeowners and business owners have thick, green and […]


Lawn Care, Fertilizing and Springtime In Kansas City!

There’s no doubt about it: spring has finally sprung and has officially arrived in Kansas City and while the grass still isn’t vibrant and green just yet, the time to start dealing with your lawn care is likely just a few short days away. There are plenty of things that need to be done to […]