We see landscaping pretty much anywhere and everywhere we go these days but the fact is that it has evolved immensely over hundreds of years. Landscaping has a rich, long history going all the way back to the days of ancient Greece and possibly even before then. While landscaping has been around for centuries, modern landscaped elements as we know them today have really only been around for a few hundred years at the most.
Landscaping in Kansas City, MO

Many history scholars point to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as the first historical reference to a large scale landscaping project which was has been credited to King Nebechadnezzer II. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were noted as one of the original 7 wonders of the world but there have been no accurate blueprints or designs showing how they actually looked, only artists depictions like the image above. Historians have debated on whether the Hanging gardens of Babylon even existed at all as no written record has been found from the period of their supposed existence.

The first “proven” recorded instance of landscaping goes all the way back to ancient Greece where the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus began exploring ways to manipulate landscapes with planned and purposeful design. Thales defined landscaping by “the aspect of the physical world affecting a person’s visual perception of an area of land” which is still true to how landscapers design to this day. Places of worship, public areas, and soon after homes were using landscaping to merge the beauty of nature with man built structures which became more and more common for hundreds of years after. It wasn’t until sometime in the 1800’s where the term ‘landscape architecture” was used by Gilbert Laing Meason in his book titled On The Landscape Architecture of the Great Painters of Italy which more accurately represents how we use and view landscaping today. However, because there is no single person that we could point to in history as being the very first “landscaper,” it’s difficult to trace a detailed history of who, where, and when landscaping as we know it today became more commonly used by anyone other than royalty or the elite in Europe. What we do know is that landscaping quickly spread into the United States from Europe and the use of landscape elements in our world continues to increase more and more each year.
At SK Lawn and Landscape, we pride ourselves on providing quality, professional landscaping services using both tried and true methods and principles as well integrating modern tools and elements create unique landscaped areas in your lawn. Call us today for a free consultation on your landscaping project at (816) 372-4965 or CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US.
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