We tend to hear a lot about grubs at the onset of summer but at SK Lawn and Landscape, our lawn care teams are always on the lookout for them. Unlike most lawn and landscaping companies that simply go through the motions and mow your lawn as quick as they can so they can get to the next job, SK’s lawn care teams are always looking proactively at your lawn to spot any potential problems and grubs can be a big one.
Lawn Care and Landscaping Services in Kansas City, MO
First of all what exactly are grubs? Most of us in the Kansas City area are familiar with the clumsy and bothersome June bugs that are fairly harmless but extremely irritating. Believe it or not, grubs are the June bug’s larvae and their eggs are often laid near the end of spring or beginning or summer. In the larvae stage, grubs require an enormous amount of food which is why the eggs are typically laid in your lawn where their food of choice (grass roots) are in abundance. What do grubs do? Well, they eat your grass roots which essentially starves your lawn of nutrients it so badly needs from the soil. The most obvious signs that you have a grub infestation in your lawn is your grass increasing looking dead or withered, you can lift up areas of your grass like it was freshly laid sod, or you notice the lawn is squishy or spongy when stepped on. Another dead giveaway that your lawn has a grub infestation is an abnormal amount of birds, raccoons and other critters digging in your lawn as they all tend to feed on grubs. While grubs are a delicacy for birds, raccoons and sometime skunks, they alone likely won’t take care of the grub problem. How do you get rid of grubs? Being proactive is the best plan which means applying grub control products in the spring before they become a problem however SK Lawn and Landscape can help get rid of grubs in your lawn if they have already invaded.
Each case of grub infestation is unique which means that we use different methods depending on the severity of the infestation. If you suspect your lawn is filled with grubs or you suspect other issues, give the lawn care experts at SK Lawn and Landscape a call and let our experience help you find a solution. For an estimate call SK today at (816) 372-4965 or CLICK HERE FOR OUR CONTACT FORM.
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