If you have a few minutes this weekend, take a good look at your lawn and landscaping. Chances are your lawn is still lying dormant for winter, but if you look closely, you might see your trees and other plants starting to bud. That’s a sure sign that spring is on the way to Kansas […]
core aerating
3 posts
Lawn Care and Landscaping Services in Kansas City, Leawood, and Overland Park Every spring at SK Lawn and Landscape we get frantic calls and emails from homeowners that have suddenly realized that their lawns are not looking very spring-like and in many cases it may have to do with the lawn care services and landscape […]
When you start hearing about Chiefs football and back to school in Kansas City, you know that summer is winding down and fall is on the way. While it has been an exceptional year for lawns this summer with very few brutally hot days that tend to scorch grass to a brown crisp, there’s still […]
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