spring lawn care

40 posts


Get Ready to Think Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping in Kansas City!

Winter is not quite over yet, but next week, Kansas City will get a preview of spring with temperatures in the 50s and 60s mid-week. While it might still be too early to pack away your winter coat, it’s the perfect time to start planning for the upcoming lawn care and landscaping season! At SK […]


Underneath The Snow and Ice, Your Lawn and Landscape Is Getting Ready For Spring!

Here in Kansas City, we experienced quite a bit of snow and ice over the weekend, and many homeowners are likely wondering if the winter weather will affect their lawns and landscaping when spring arrives. The good news is that, for the most part, your lawn is in good hands – snow, ice, and cold […]


Spring Has Sprung in Kansas City and With It Comes Allergies!

Spring has definitely sprung in Kansas City, and here at SK Lawn and Landscape, we’re gearing up for mowing, landscaping, and lawn care. But with spring comes allergies, and they are already packing a punch this year. In this week’s blog post, we’ll look at allergies, their causes, and some tips for treating them. Spring […]


Time To Think About Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping!

Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping in Kansas City, Raymore, and Lees Summit, MO With spring-like temperatures this week in the Kansas City area, it’s time to start thinking about your lawn and landscaping. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we spend most of the winter months ensuring we have everything we need to leap into action […]


Your Local Lawn and Landscaping Pros In Kansas City For 2023

With the lawn care and landscaping season winding down in Kansas City, we’re already getting ready for the spring of 2023 at SK Lawn and Landscape. With fall delivering a quick leaf drop due to drought-like conditions throughout the metro, it’s safe to say that winter will likely be here sooner rather than later, which […]


Your Grass Is Growing, and We’re Ready For Spring Lawn Mowing

At SK Lawn and Landscape, our lawn care and mowing teams are already out and about in the Kansas City metro area, getting lawns looking their best and addressing any issues that would make them look anything less. It’s hard not to notice that the trees are budding, the grass is getting green, and your […]


Tired Of Mowing and Lawn Care? Let SK Handle It All This Spring!

Many homeowners have been heading back to the office over the past few months, which means that, unlike the last few years, they won’t be able to mow their lawns and take care of landscape maintenance over their lunch hour. At SK Lawn and Landscape, we planned for this to be the case this year, […]